The moment I saw the title -- and until I read the
sub-title, I automatically assumed this was a crime novel. Perhaps a more
appropriate title might have been Skeletons
in Cupboards as trainee clinical psychologist Tanya Byron unearths hidden
truths behind patients she treats in a variety of placements. Byron started
with a skeleton in her own family history: at the age of fifteen, she writes,
she saw the frontal lobes of her ‘grandmother’s splayed across the skirting
board of her dark and cluttered house,’ a robbery gone wrong by a woman drug addict.
Subsequently – and perhaps consequently, Byron moved into her chosen career of
searching into other people’s minds.
Byron writes compellingly about the patients she treats over
three years of on-the-job training and of her own conflicted and often
difficult relationship with no-nonsense Dr Chris Moorhead, her often abrupt and
rude supervisor with whom she eventually develops a mutual admiration. Only in
her early twenties, Byron undergoes a series of placements in different mental
health settings, frequently working with much older patients. She counsels
troubled children, families in crisis, a couple with sexual dysfunction, men
and women in the early stages of dementia, addicts, and people with terminal
One of Byron’s earliest cases finds her sitting alone opposite
a man who first presents with anxiety and panic attacks but who in their initial
session pulls a knife on her. It is her first experience of a sociopath and she
is nowhere near the office panic-button. Fortunately, she manages to escape her
predicament which leads her to quickly learn that ‘assumption is the mother of
all screw-ups.’
The reader learns that some of Byron’s patients – like the
anorexic but brilliant teenager Mollie and the flamboyant, dying Tom, affect
her profoundly and she needs to debrief and de-stress. As well as Moorhead,
Byron is lucky to have a coterie of friends who help ground her. This is as
much as we learn of the personal life of the budding psychologist. Her focus is
on learning, attending to her university work and attempting to help people
sort out their problems.
This is a very readable book which shows much insight and
compassion, easy for the layperson to access. One feels as though the patients
– and Byron herself – are real people with real problems. Thus it came as a
shock to me that, in reading the (very engaging) epilogue to learn that all of
the cases cited were fictional, testament to the fact of Byron’s skilful
writing ability to create troubled people who seem all too human.
Now a practitioner of twenty five years experience, Byron
says it has always struck her that the spotlight tends to be on the people
being treated, ‘never also on those of us doing the treating.’ In hindsight,
she admits that as a young would-be clinical psychologist she was sometimes arrogant,
inept and naive, that she often had no more clarity of thought than the people
she was meant to be treating. She pays tribute to patients for providing her
with an opportunity to become a skilled practitioner, and perhaps, she says, a
better person.
There are numerous acknowledgements to others in the mental
health profession at the end of the book but also an extensive list of
resources. Unfortunately, because Byron is based in the UK (where she is a
broadcaster for BBC television and Radio 4), these resources are for UK
readers. You can read more about Tanya Byron at
I’m sure most readers will thoroughly enjoy reading this
book, as I did.
Reviewed by Di Bates
Title: The Skeleton Cupboard
Author: Tanya Byron
Publisher:Pan Macmillan Australia RRP $29.99
Publication Date: June 2014
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781447262077
Type: Memoirs
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