01 May 2014

Looking for JJ

Jennifer is now known as Alice Tully. At sixteen, she has spent the last six years in a facility for the manslaughter of her best friend. But changing her identity and living in a protected environment doesn’t keep Alice safe from amateur detectives, false friends, and reporters that want to scoop a great story.

Just before Alice’s seventeenth birthday, stories start to circulate again. Her secret and secure world starts to shatter. Alice finds herself remembering things she thought she had dealt with. It is through these memories that we uncover Jennifer’s childhood with her model mother Carol, whose insidious lifestyle and inveigling character pushes Jennifer to execute an act that destroys her life.

A whole picture finally emerges from information that slowly seeps like a wet sponge onto the page through skin-pricking revelations. Dark areas are created by things not mentioned. This entices the reader to come to their own shocking conclusions.

This story is a crime thriller equal to any of this genre. Riveting reading that you can’t possibly put down until the last word, it explores the impressions of youth in an unusual and at times heart-stopping fashion.

What desperation or impulse would push a child to murder? How deeply does emotional manipulation affect a child that just wants to fit in? We discover the answers and feel a deep compassion for these incredible characters that Anne Cassidy has created.

Shortlisted for the Whitbread Award 2004 and the Carnegie Medal 2005, this 10th Anniversary edition accompanies the release of Anne Cassidy’s sequel, Finding Jennifer Jones.

Reviewed by Anastasia Gonis

Title: Looking for JJ
Author: Anne Cassidy
Publisher: Scholastic UK PB RRP 16.99
Publication Date: March 2014
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781407138091
Type: Young Adult Fiction

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