04 July 2009

My two husbands

by Kathy Golski

Penguin Group. Australian, Biographical. Paperback rrp $32.95

Kathy Golski is an Australian artist who fell in love and married a young Polish migrant, Olek. They had three children and their life was interesting and full. The story could end right there with the words “and they lived happily ever after”, but a different ending was about to be written.

Kathy lost Olek when she was in her 30’s. He was killed instantly when the bike he was riding to a friend’s place in Canberra, collided with a car. Kathy later married the friend, Voy and had a fourth child with him.

Now in her 60’s, My two husbands is Kathy’s story of her life with the two men that together influenced her from her late teenage years until now.

Kathy came from an Australian middle class suburban family and ended up becoming Katush, Katya and Kot, a woman integrated into the Polish migrant way of life.

From the moment she fell in love with Olek, Kathy’s life was transformed . His parents were old fashioned Polish people and his pushy mother taught Kathy how to cook and keep Olek happy. For Olek, life was an adventure and he passed this attitude to his three young children and his wife.

Olek and his parents escaped two Nazi concentration camps and lived out the Hitler regime in the forests of Europe with a Partisan camp. Olek’s father was a dentist and this special skill saved the families life time after time during these years.

My two husbands is not just the story of Kathy and her two husbands but her family and the interesting tales their lives have to tell. Kathy relates her life as though she is talking with Olek, letting him know what is happening. This is a comfortable book. One to be enjoyed with a cup of tea, some polish food and gypsy music playing in the background.

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